Contact: Joe Allinger
Pat Riemitis
Mary Lindsay, Lindsay PR
(408) 984-7242
TASC Will Demonstrate Interactive Multimedia Systems at Western
Cable Show - Neighborhood USA(tm) Puts Consumers and Business in Immediate
Touch with Regional Information
MOUNTAIN VIEW, California -- November 28, 1994 -- StarWorks(r) video networking
software from Starlight Networks, Inc., the leading supplier of video networking
software, provides the video server component for Neighborhood USA(tm) a
multimedia information service provided by TASC (The Analytic Science Corporation).
TASC, a Starlight authorized reseller, will demonstrate Neighborhood USA
at the Western Cable Show in Anaheim, CA, from November 30 - December 2.
TASC representatives will be demonstrating the Neighborhood USA system in
the LANCity Booth and will be available to answer questions.
"Neighborhood USA is an exciting user interface to provide video-based
multimedia information to consumers and business users," said Jim Long,
president, Starlight Networks. "With applications like those provided
by TASC, the information superhighway will become more accessible."
"Subscribers to Neighborhood USA will be able to retrieve, view, and
explore multimedia information interactively - harnessing the power of telecommunication,
computing and information services in an easy-to-use format," said
Todd Rodgers, TASC's Project Leader for Neighborhood USA. "And the
regional approach allows both subscribers and advertisers to focus just
on information relevant to, and customized for, their business and community
needs," he added.
Neighborhood USA will provide businesses and consumers with access to a
wide variety of local, metropolitan, or regional information. The system
provides a powerful visual interface combining 3-D graphics, text, and sound.
Consumers will have interactive access to news, weather, and entertainment
programming, as well as advertising, educational, and local civic information.
Neighborhood USA can carry data such as full-motion video, animations, audio/music,
and high-resolution still images using Starlight Networks StarWorks(r) video
networking software. The system's advanced digital video and imaging capabilities
have been recognized as setting a new standard for interactive multimedia.
About TASC
TASC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Primark Corporation (NYSE/PSE..PMK),
provides advanced information technology solutions for businesses and governmental
agencies throughout the U.S. and abroad. Founded in 1966, TASC is headquartered
in Reading, Massachusetts.
About Starlight Networks
Starlight Networks develops digital video networking software to manage
video traffic on enterprise networks. Starlight's StarWorks and StarWare(r)
video networking server software products provide video storage management
and video session and stream management functions to ensure reliable delivery
of video to the desktop over today's local area networks. StarWorks and
StarWare manage the storage of streaming data in such a way as to allow
simultaneous access by a large number of users to the same video, or to
multiple videos. StarWorks' open systems approach supports the delivery
of video across multiple server and client platforms. StarWorks supports
all of the popular video formats and network operating systems on PCs and
Macintosh systems, and Starlight has announced future support for Sun Microsystems'
SPARC-based Solaris 2.x operating environment. StarWare is a Novell NetWare-based
video networking software solution.
Starlight Networks is located at 205 Ravendale Drive, Mountain View, CA
94043; phone 415/967-2774.
StarWorks and StarWare are registered trademarks and StarLink is a trademark
of Starlight Networks, Inc. All other products are trademarks of their respective
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